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Web Hosting – Windows or Linux

If you are deciding to choose web hosting for your website, among the most important queries that needs to be addressed is the selection for the operating system that will be used on the server. Although there are many operating systems, for web server, there are two dominant operating systems - Windows and Linux. Two of the most widely used and most widely-used web hosting software are Windows and Linux. Nearly all hosting providers offer these two operating platforms. Discover more?

Both platforms are great however each platform has its own strengths and weaknesses. Linux is an open-source platform, but Windows isn't. Each has its share of fans and a huge number of opponents.

It is crucial to consider the requirements of your business and not only your own feelings while choosing between two different platforms. Before making any decision about web hosting it is important to consider the following factors.

1.) On what platform has your website application been developed upon? It is one of the first questions. If your web application/site is created using .Net or any other Microsoft technology then it will indicate that you'll need to utilize Windows for web hosting. Certain technologies work on both operating systems, sometime the platform of the program will require you to choose the same web hosting platform. Most websites use database. If you are making use of MS SQL Server then also Windows Server is required.

This decision must be taken ahead of time, even before the application is completed. A mistake in the process of moving an existing website may cause lots of hassles!

2) Security: The website for e-commerce must be completely protected. Any application that contains personal data and important information or financial details needs to be well protected. Linux is perceived as more secure over windows web hosting. Windows has many security flaws (which can be quickly corrected) that viruses and hackers frequently attack. Yet, it's been proven that servers are only the securest if the administrator is. Windows servers are protected in the hands of a proactive administrator.

Linux Servers are cheaper than Windows Servers because Linux is free. However, even though Linux is more expensive it doesn't necessarily mean it's any lower than Windows servers. Windows is, on the other side, is a paid service. That's a lot of costs. For a website owner the cost difference won't be significant. The small amount of difference in price doesn't tip the scales towards Linux by a big margin.

4.) Learning Curve: Linux operating system has an arduous learning curve. The process of learning Linux for someone who uses an operating system for desktops can be an overwhelming experience. However, if you opt for Linux web hosting service, then you need not worry about it. This is because there are web-based apps that allow you to interface with the server seamlessly. These applications will allow users to complete almost every job, including FTP and database management. with these applications.

Like you might have guessed it is impossible to determine clear winners in this endless war between two fierce adversaries. It is only the platform utilized by the app is an important factor. Your personal preferences will determine the choice you make.

No matter which platform you choose, the only thing that will matter is only a well-known credible, trusted and trustworthy hosting service that offers the least potential downtime, a high bandwidth and fast support.

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